jc's personal website

Welcome to my space on the internet.

blog posts

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You can reach me per e-mail at jc@jchri.st, preferably encrypted with my PGP key. My inbox is always open, and I'm always happy to talk to new people!

Banner image, reading 'Debian' on the left, 'GNU/Linux, its all about freedom' on the right, separated by an eagle
Best viewed with a budgie - Now! Banner image showcasing a German shepherd and the text 'Online Spyware Watchdog' Banner image, text reading 'Best viewed with lovebird', next to a lovebird
Banner image, containing the crossed out logo of Microsoft Windows and the text 'Proud to be Microsoft Free' Banner GIF, reading 'Discord?' 'No way!' Banner image reading 'Privacy Now!' with a 'PGP' badge on the bottom right Banner image reading 'I HATE Microsoft' Chrome browser logo next to the text 'Anything But Chrome' Animation reading 'Safer, faster, better', 'The browser you can trust', 'Get Firefox' Animation reading 'Edited width Improved & Free Vim' next, then 'I <3 my editor'